
Jeff Whitney is a poet and educator based out of Portland, Oregon.

He is the author of multiple chapbooks, including Sixteen Stories (Flume Press), Radio Silence (Black Lawrence Press), which was co-written with Philip Schaefer, and The Tree With Lights In It (Thrush Press). His debut full-length has twice been a finalist for the National Poetry Series.

His poems can be found in places such as 32 Poems, Adroit, Bennington Review, Blackbird, Kenyon Review, Missouri Review, Pleiades, Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, Tin House Online, and Verse Daily.

He is a former poetry editor of CutBank, and current reader for Black Lawrence Press. He served as a mentor in The Adroit Journal’s Poetry Mentorship program in 2016, working with high-school aged poets.

He has an MFA in Poetry from the University of Montana, and has participated in the Tin House Summer Workshop in 2017 and 2019.

He lives in Portland with his wife, the writer Hannah Withers.